Respiration among Plants

Concept Explanation

Respiration among Plants

Respiration in Plants: Plants do not have any special organ to perform respiration. They exchange gases through stomata and large intercellular spaces present throughout the plant body ensure that all cells are in contact with air.

Root, stem and leaf are involved in this process.

1)  Gaseous exchange in stem:  In woody plants, gaseous exchange occurs through the small pores in the stem called ‘lenticles’. On the other hand, in herbaceous plants. Stomata on the stem aid in the respiratory process.

2)  Gaseous exchange in leaves:  In leaves, respiration takes place by diffusion of oxygen through stomata into the cells of the leaf. Stomata are the aerating pores present on the epidermis of the leaf. Each stomata pore is bordered by a pair of kidney shaped guard cells bearing chloroplasts in them. During daytime, when photosynthesis occurs, the carbon dioxide is rapidly used up, while the oxygen release is the major event. On the other hand, during night time, the elimination of carbon dioxide takes place.


3)   Gaseous exchange in Roots: The root cells too require oxygen to produce energy. Roots have numerous tiny hairs on them. The soil has air trapped inside it. The oxygen (air) present in the soil diffuses into the root hair and is transported to the entire plant. The waste products formed in the form of water vapour and carbon dioxide are sent back to the surrounding through root hair by the process of diffusion. The soil of the potted plant is tilled so that air can reach to the soil at the bottom of the pot. If the plant is watered continuously, then the level of oxygen will decrease because too much of water will remove all the air present between the soil particles and the plant may die due to suffocation.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) In plants exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place through the tiny pores in the leaves known as stomata.

(b) Even the stems have openings known as lenticels that help in the exchange of gases.

(c) The pores on leaves and stems allow oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour to come in or go out of the plant body.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) Plants respire through tiny holes or openings called stomata.

(b) Oxygen diffuses into the root hair and passes into the root cells from where the carbon dioxide moves out into the soil.

(c) In woody plants, gaseous exchange occurs through the small pores in the stem called ‘lenticles

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Each stomata pore is bordered by a pair of __________________ guard cells bearing chloroplasts in them.

Right Option : A
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